Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Share & Voice: Eco Friendly Pet Products!

So this past weekend I was walking my dog, and as I was walking I had a thought in come up in my head...."Im sure there are eco-friendly pet supplies out there...I should do a share&voice on it." So I did some research and here is what I came up with: Yes of course this does exist! is a shopping blog that is greatly designed to bring out the eco-friendly pet owner in you!  This site offers a number of different supplies from natural pet food to eco-friendly toys and rubber dog collars.  So all you fellow pet owners can help out the environment by making you and your pet not just friendly but eco-friendly!BARK FOR PEACE!!!


  1. I laughed when I read "I had a thought come up in my head...."Im sure there are eco-friendly pet supplies out there.." so environmentally friendly you are becoming :)

  2. That is so great that you found this!! This is awesome!! Great find!!

  3. Katie- Very creative thinking while walking your dog!! I must say, if i ever have an animal I just may by these products, however I absolutely loathe animals...I will leave the pets and the eco-friendly pet products to all you animal lovers! --S


This is a weird looking bug I saw in Mexico!