Monday, May 11, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

I really enjoyed doing my web groups activities! Here are my results:

Dining Decisions by Autumn:While doing this activity,I picked healthy foods, but lacked all parts of the food group like dairy and protein. I actually do lack protein in my everyday diet so this activity helped me to realize that I need to eat more of a variety of the food groups. Thanks Autumn for making me realize my diet needs improvement.

Tobacco Facts Puke Page by Sara
After viewing the picture on Sara's post, I stand by my belief that there should be a complete smoking/tobacco ban in public schools. I don't think it will prevent kids from not smoking/using tobacco completely, but it would definitely help. I think there is not enough knowledge about what can really happen to your body in the long run from tobacco use. Looking at those people that ruined their bodies by using tobacco makes me sick. It also makes me sick how so many people know that tobacco is bad for them and they still continue to endanger their lives and the people around them. Its selfish and careless and I think a ban in every school would be totally appropriate.

Bobbie's Foot-O-Meter by Abbey
After completing the questions on the Abbey's activity, I was given a score of 7.3 acres. yikes! This activity made me realize how I can reduce my carbon footprint by recycling more, using less water and electricity and walking more to places instead of driving. Just doing these simple little things can decrease my footprint by a long shot. This activity really opened my eyes. Thanks Abbey!

Build your own virtual "green" house by Ben
climate I picked: subtropical
construction I picked: recycled

energy I picked: solar panels/heating and

For efficiency I picked mostly all of them: energy efficient lighting, energy star appliances, water recycling,efficient heating/cooling, materials recycling, water recycling, and smart home technology!

Spending and efficiency: I spent $99,000 and have 195% efficiency!

"Water Calculator" by Ingrid.

This activity was really an eye opener for me because I ended up using 58 gallons per day. It is not even as bad as the typical 71 gallons a normal person uses and I still feel bad! I think I can improve this a ton by not letting the water run while brushing my teeth and doing the dishes, and also taking shorter showers! I think a lot of us can learn from doing this activity! Thanks Ingrid!


  1. Katie- Good review of the activities. It is amazing that you only use 58 gallons of water per day! That is the lowest number of all of us group 3 people! Congrats.
    It is interesting to see how different all of our advocacy projects and online activities were. --S

  2. Katie-
    You are welcome for making you realize your diet needs improvement, haha. I can't believe you only use 58 gallons of way per day! Mine was like double that :( Good job!

  3. Hey Katie, yeah I have to agree with Autumn and Sara J, you only use 58 gallons of water?!??! that's unbelievable...and speaking of unbelievable, your home was 195% efficient! Good job =)


This is a weird looking bug I saw in Mexico!